Here comes our next design class... Designing Like Marc Chagall!
In this class we will look at Chagall's life and work - his joy, whimsy, faith and dreams. From his acrobatic kissing couples to the folky villages under the cloak of lilac moonlight, to his sacred church windows and his lively depiction of circus life - we will cover all the major themes and meanings behind one of the most colorful catalogs of work in the history of art.
If you are new to these classes, know that you will not be called on or put on the spot. You are able to join live to interact or watch the recorded class any time afterward. Watching the recorded version still means you have all of the same materials as those joining live.
I will send you a word document close to the class date that is helpful to print out. It will help you with the games and exercises we play in class. It is also helpful to have a pencil, regular paper, and tracing paper handy. For this class scissors would be useful too.
By the end of class you will have a collection of original sketches - inspired by the work of Chagall - that will be perfect for your hooking projects. This is a great opportunity for you to create original, meaningful work and to learn about one of the truly great artists ever!
This class will come with the digital version of the 'Chagall Sheep' I designed for the class and am working on in the meantime, just in case you'd like to work on it too.