I started by selecting a bunch with interesting cat shapes from drawings of cats I had made earlier, scaled them to roughly the same size and created a design. The design has a lot of motion created by the shapes, and while the shapes could be anything, a little study reveals cats! The original rug is mostly recycled wool clothing with commercial and hand-dyed wool yarn as well as artesian spun dog yarn (the fuzzy blue and green). It was hooked on Monk’s cloth, but linen is recommended.
Seven Tangled Cats is available as a Rug Hooking or Punch Needle pattern in two sizes. Please let us know if you want Punch Needle pattern (design is reversed). The original hooked rug is 13” x 22.5” but it is also available as 16” x 28.” The original was hooked at 13” x 22.5,” but that made for some tight spaces. Although offered in the original size, we recommend the larger size, especially for beginners.
Each pattern includes the backing with the design hand-drawn (+ 4” border) and a color photo of the completed design as hooked by Kirsten Gay Davenport.
Listing is for pattern only.