Jean Coates: Van Gogh Chair at the Mission
Name of the pattern: Van Gogh Chair at the Mission (in Picketwire Canyon, Colorado)
Designer name/Company name: Bret Coates
Dates: Started August 6th and completed August 26th
Name: Jeanne Coates
Town/state: La Junta, CO
Size of the piece: Approximately 18” x 20”
Backing material: Linen
Supplies used (Wool + cut size/s, yarn, sari silk, plastic bags etc.) Wool strips and yarn.
This rug was created for a challenge to hook Van Gogh’s chair. I chose to put the chair in a setting that I love. I rode my bike 5 miles to this old mission. It is along the Picketwire Canyon trail to the Dinosaur tracks. I really love this area and thought the Mission was a perfect setting for the chair. I used a photo I had taken for the inspiration and had my Husband, my personal artist 😊, do the drawing and implant the chair. I thought the sky would be best hooked in Van Gogh style, so I dyed several bright blues for that process. The hardest part was hooking the fallen beams so they didn’t just blend in with the landscape.