Composition and Color Planning for the Rugmaker

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Are you curious to learn more about color planning and composition? If you ever struggle with choosing just the right color to make your piece pop, or you're longing to start designing your own patterns but are intimidated by the blank is the class for you!
In 'Composition and Color Planning for the Rugmaker' we will dive firstly into composition, looking at examples of great and not-so-great compositions within hooked rugs. I'll break down the 'rules' of great composition and give you a lot to think about in terms of tips and tricks. The class is always recorded, so you can watch back anytime later-- your note-taking pencils will be flying!
Next, we'll look at  color! We'll go beyond the color wheel to color families, color association, mood-making color palettes, and artists who have historically broken all the color rules. The conversation on color will give you confidence for future color planning and help you save projects that are currently suffering from color anemia or overload.
This is a three-hour online Zoom class with a short break in the middle. Since it is recorded you can watch live, watch later, and come and go, according to your day. The class is one installment and I will repeat the same content live with different participants for each class date. There will be a time slotted for people who want to show projects or sketches and get immediate help and problem solving. You don't really need any materials for this class if you are just watching and plan to dig in later. If you want to take notes and sketch during class, there will be live exercises - no pressure ever to participate. This is for fun and confidence building. 
No matter how many art classes you've taken in the past, you're going to leave this class with a wealth of new information and inspiration, and a fire inside you to get going on a bunch of new projects!

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