Robyn LaForest: Sail Away

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Name of the Piece: Sail Away
Designed by Sharon Smith. Pattern sold by W. Cushing & Co.
Dates: Finished February 2023
Hooked and pattern altered by Robyn LaForest
Town/State: Plover Wisconsin
Size: 24 inches x 30 inches
Backing: Linen
Supplies used: Wool strips, wool yarn/roving, velvet and chenille yarn.
I chose this pattern because it brought me back to the days when my children were young and were always playing make believe. I love the how the pattern shows the adventurous spirit that lives in all children. I altered the pattern to represent my son and daughter, changing the girl to have long brown hair and blue eyes. I also gave the girl a paper boat hat which was a favorite playtime hat. I added rays of the sun to give them a direction to sail towards. Looking for the right color for the duck ship took quite awhile, nothing looked right. Then a came across a spot dyed wool and knew it was the one!