Designing Like... The Great Patternmakers: William Morris, Anni Albers, MC Escher Nov Dec 2022

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Welcome to the latest installment of the 'Design Like...' series! This time we take a more technical approach as we look at the work, and tricks, or some of the greatest pattern makers in art history. 

How did William Morris create a Strawberry Thief that repeats? How did Escher make staircases twist? How did Anni Albers create repeat designs that were smoother than a loom shuttle and as mathematically beautiful as an early circuit board? They had tricks and techniques that worked as a technical blueprint for unlimited design styles. 

In this class we will look at the work of many pattern makers through the years, and learn how to create patterning for use in background designs, borders, or pretty much anywhere using both flat paper patterns and computer technology. I will share my screen to show you how I use computer programs to create repeats and tessellations. 

This may all sound abstract and impossibly technical, but if you know me... you know the profound intellectual problems I often have hitting buttons on my computer SO if I can do it, you certainly can too. 

This class is recorded. If you are not able to join live you will receive the recording and all the same materials. The same class is offered on two dates. You are welcome to log on for either or both. 

Please find the previous classes here. 

Please let me know if you are working on projects you have created as a result of the 'Design Like....' series. I would love to use your work in the current book!

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