Welcome to the colorful and shapey world of Paul Klee. Modernism takes a fun and friendly approach this month as we look at one of my most cheerful and thoughtful painters of the 20th century. This class will include many exercises and drawing games to help you see and appreciate the work of this visionary pioneer, and give you lots of material to dream on. We will look briefly at Klee's background and inspirations, and pinpoint the tricks and devices he used in his paintings to give them that signature, iconic look we associate with his work.
The class is recorded for those who can't attend live. There are two separate dates and you are welcome to log on for either or both. The content and presentation is the same, but conversations and rabbit hole brainstorming is different in each class.
Bring your sketch pad and colored pencils for a magical mystery tour of the bright, the bold and the beautiful world of Paul Klee!
As you may know, I'm working on the first 'Design Like...' book for Rug Hooking Magazine. All three of these women are a part of that book project so if you end up designing and/or completing any rug project you create as a result of this class--- needless to say I would LOVE to use it in the book!